Be Safe Out there, Get a Road ID-Review

Get a Road ID!
While going through Twitter the other day, @FigurePrincess said, “I just ordered a new @RoadID Elite J.”
RoadID, what’s that? I was intrigued, so off I went to do some investigating to review Road ID. What I found was a cool company that made cool products. What do you expect from a cool company called Road ID though.
Check this out-While training for a marathon back in 1999, Ed Wimmer was nearly creamed by a truck.
Ironically, Ed’s Father, Mike Wimmer, had asked his son to take his I.D. with him while running. This way, if something happened, such as meeting the business end of a pickup, emergency responders could contact his family. And Road ID was born.
Let’s face it though, when on jogging or biking on the road, who has a place to carry identification? I suppose a fanny pack could be worn, but have you ever jogged with a fanny pack? This is the niche that Road ID fills.
The Wimmers came up with a better idea, the RoadID. It’s an I.D. that is worn on the wrist, and contains your name, and emergency contact info. engraved on a metal plate. There’s also a version that can be worn on the ankle.
And check this out-There’s now an “interactive” version. For a small annual fee, (the first year is free) you can build a personalized Emergency Response Profile, or ERP at Road ID’s website. Not only does it hold contact info, but medical information that emergency personnel would find helpful, such as allergies and meds, etc.
I don’t care who you are, that’s friggin’ cool.
My personal fave, and the one that I’ll be ordering, is the Road ID shoe pouch. It attaches to the laces of your shoes. It’s big enough to carry an I.D., debit card/cash, and a key. It can be worn running, or biking. I love it, and it seems perfect.
If you are an active person outdoors, go see what RoadID has for you based on this review. It could be the best peace of training equipment that you ever buy.
This was not a sponsored review. No affiliate links were harmed in the making of this post. We were not compensated in anyway. I just thought that it’s a cool idea that could help save a life, and wanted to pass it along to you.
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December 8, 2010 at 8:07 am
I have the sport wrist i.d., and end up just wearing it all the time. I got it in black, so it goes with pretty much everything that I own, aside from a suit.
December 8, 2010 at 8:10 am
Dang, I thought I was gonna be first to comment. Dang new guy.
Somebody just told me about these a few weeks ago, but I hadn’t had a chance to look at their site yet. Thanks Todd, I’ll definitely be picking up one of these. My wife is always getting on me about having my DL and a debit card with me when I’m on a long bike ride.
December 8, 2010 at 8:56 am
@Tim, take it easy on @Scotty. Yes, he’s faster than you, but that’s great enthusiasm.
@Scotty, I was thinking of getting the wrist ID’s for my girls. They don’t carry any ID on them at the moment, so this is a great way for that to happen. Nice stocking stuffers, huh?
Todd´s last [type] ..Free Advertising Drawing
December 8, 2010 at 9:02 am
Nice blog and thanks for the mention! Not to sound like a sales pitch but I definitely recommend the RoadID to anyone. I have a severe bee allergy and I wear my RoadID everyday. A few years ago I got stung at work and I truly believe having the RoadID saved my life.
Thanks for helping to spread the word about such a great product!!
December 8, 2010 at 9:22 am
A business associate of mine forgot to take off his RoadID after his 17-mile bike trek into work (he does it all year round). I noticed it on his wrist and he gave me the rundown about it. I think it’s awesome.
Yum Yucky´s last [type] ..How Did You Gain Those First 10 Pounds
December 8, 2010 at 9:37 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Edward Wimmer and Todd Boyer, Todd Boyer. Todd Boyer said: Cool new blog post: Be Safe Out there, Get a Road ID-Review […]
December 8, 2010 at 10:07 am
Again you give us awesome info. Very cool and important info.
December 8, 2010 at 10:11 am
@Cara, a big “thank you” for turning me on to Road ID. It’s like a cooler version of a medic alert bracelet.
@Yum Yucky, 17-mile bike ride!?! Isn’t it funny how the word about cool products spread?
@Julie, Why thank you. We do what we can.
You do a pretty cool job of reviewing cool products also.
December 8, 2010 at 12:42 pm
Unfortunately, the Elite version’s buckle is not only heavy so the band is balanced badly, it is scratchy. And worse of all the customer service really sucks!
December 8, 2010 at 12:43 pm
What a great gift idea. I see that they come in a few colors, so that’ll make it nice for my nieces and nephews.
December 8, 2010 at 1:55 pm
@Ripley, Because it’s unbalanced, does that cause it to spin on your wrist? Is it the buckle that’s scratchy, or is it the mat’l of the band?
@Anne, It does look like they come in a lot of colors. I’m all for basic black, myself.